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Музыка из Кукуй                Music in Our Life.
People cannot live without music. They listen to music, dance to music or learn to play musical instruments. There is music everywhere: at home, in a concert hall, in the park, at the seaside, in the forest and even in the street.
Young people’s like listen different music, they prefer pop or rock music As for me, I prefer contemporary music. I have a lot of cassettes . I try to watch all the programmes dealing with it on TV and to go to the concerts as often as possible. My favourite pop group is “Chelsy “. I think they are very talented.They took part in show “Fabrika zvezd “.
I can play the piano. It is a great pleasure to be able to play an instrument and I like it a lot.



Essay on topic: 'The music of XXI century".
The word “music” in translation from Greek "musike" in literal sense is translated as the art of muses. In different times existed different music. For example, the XVIII the century - is the century of the classical music in Europe. The XXIst century - is  presented musical variety. For many years  music stays one of the main cultural values of humanity. So what is the meaning of the music of  the XXIst century?
Currently exists the multitude of sorts in music: pop, pank rock, rock, club music, dance and many others. It seems to me, that no matter what sort of music is, it  exists for relaxing and assuagements of human emotions and  feelings. But in some  cases music serves as a kind of "stemulation" for everybody. With the help of music can be conveyed what will not convey by words. In general we can say  that music is - "a giver" of the human attitude  to the world.
But from the other side in the world there is  nothing ideal things and the music is not exception. Agree that  not every body can withstand audition heavy and аcid rockal, it simply presses on auricle. And  destroy the felling also the  to old generation is difficult to accept, the choise of the  youth, that is why various conflicts are appeared.
Personally I, can listen different music, it depends on spirit, of exterior situation, places and time. But nevertheless I prefer rhythmic music - light rock,  for example, it carries pleasure, and slowly – reassure helps cause from profane fuss. To me it’s difficult to live a day without music.  I hope that I’m not along.
Remember: Music will "live" forever! So enjoy what  you have, catch moment and LIVE!!!



No doubt one of life’s most treasured assets is good music. It is a part  of  person’s culture. All people listen to music beginning from kids to the elderly.  Music can leave us indifferent or it can provoke powerful and complex feelings. Grown-ups sometimes criticize young people for listening to the latest music. They hear nothing but noise and bad message. They consider our songs aggressive and dreadful. Most teenagers like pop music with primitive content but there are those who prefer other types: from classical to rock’n’roll.  The development of technology gave additional burst to different types of music. For example, techno is made on computers and performed mainly by deejays instead of old fashioned bands. Young people who listen to punk-rock or heavy metal want to express themselves and rebel against the society. Our generation is not so romantic; we are more pragmatic than our parents. Music is a soundtrack of my life. When I do my homework I listen to soft music, while at disco I would like torchy one. So my world of music is of all types and kinds. Overall, I’ll dare to suggest everyone not to limit yourself and try all sorts of options. The more you know the larger the world is.
             Pozim, Gulya.



Essay on topic: 'The music of XXI century".
The word “music” in translation from Greek "musike" in literal sense is translated as the art of muses. In different times existed different music. For example, the XVIII the century - is the century of the classical music in Europe. The XXIst century - is  presented musical variety. For many years  music stays one of the main cultural values of humanity. So what is the meaning of the music of  the XXIst century?
Currently exists the multitude of sorts in music: pop, pank rock, rock, club music, dance and many others. It seems to me, that no matter what sort of music is, it  exists for relaxing and assuagements of human emotions and  feelings. But in some  cases music serves as a kind of "stemulation" for everybody. With the help of music can be conveyed what will not convey by words. In general we can say  that music is - "a giver" of the human attitude  to the world.
But from the other side in the world there is  nothing ideal things and the music is not exception. Agree that  not every body can withstand audition heavy and аcid rockal, it simply presses on auricle. And  destroy the felling also the  to old generation is difficult to accept, the choise of the  youth, that is why various conflicts are appeared.
Personally I, can listen different music, it depends on spirit, of exterior situation, places and time. But nevertheless I prefer rhythmic music - light rock,  for example, it carries pleasure, and slowly – reassure helps cause from profane fuss. To me it’s difficult to live a day without music.  I hope that I’m not along.
Remember: Music will "live" forever! So enjoy what  you have, catch moment and LIVE!!!



Musikhit 21. Jahrhunderts.

Musik spielt eine grosse Rolle im Leben des Menschen. Musik begleitet den Menschen sein ganzes Leben lang: im Glück und in der Trauer.Sie heilt und beruhigt, sie kann zum Weinen bringen und macht Spaß. Man kann die Musik überall hören: zu Hause, und auf die Strasse, im Warenhaus und im Theater, im Bett und in der Badewanne. Man hört Musik, in Musikbegleitung tanzt man und singt. Es gibt viele Musikrichgtungen: Pop, Rock, Rap, Techno… Einige haben klassiche Musik gern und halten Rockmusik für Drogen. Andere meinen, dass klassische Musik nur für  Omas ist. Man sagt: «Über den Geshmack läßt sich nicht streiten» Meine Mitschülerin Katja meint: «Sage mir ,welche Musik du hörst und ich sage dir, wer du bist.
Ich bin Muskfreund und liebe moderne Musikrichtungen.
Mir und meinen Freunden gefällt die deutsche Rockband «Tokio Hotel». Ich meine, dass alle Lieder dieser Rockband die Musikhits der 21.Jahrhunderts sind! Ich mag sie ,weil sie recht kritische Texte haben und echt starke Musik spielen. Ich bin “Tokio Hotel”-Fan. Ihre Lieder höre ich jedesmal, wenn ich solche Möglichkeit habe: in der Schule in den Pausen per Mobiltelefon, zu Hause per Computer. Ich weiss alles über diese Gruppe. Ich habe die Information im Internet gefunden.”Tokio Hotel” ist nicht nur in Deutschland, sondern im Ausland populär. Die Jungen waren zweimal in Russland.
   Diese Rockband hören nur Jugendliche. Meine Mutter sagt, dass ihre Musik zu laut ist.Sie lacht: Ist ihre Musik so originell wie ihr Name? Also, was gefällt den Jugendlichen, hat die ältere Generation nicht gern? Manchmal denke ich daran, dass Musikhit aller Zeiten und Völker die Staatshymne ist . Nicht wahr?
    Ich weiss nicht, was zu dem Musikhit des 21. Jahrhunderts. Aber ich kann ohne Musik nicht nicht leben. Die Musik ist eine Sprache, die jeder versteht.
                          Bolgury, Artjom.




Music in the life of people plays not the last role. Everyone listens to  music which he likes and everyone’s attitude to music is different. I have decided to think  about such question : what music signifies  in my life. Music plays a very important role in my life, it calms me down at difficult moments and supports in other. By means of musics you can recall many interesting moments of life. I for instance can not live without music even a day, without my loved hits more so, which can be the hits of  2007. I think that music can change the person, for instance his behaviour, lifestyle and attitude towards it. There is music at our time, which will be heard for a long time. Nowadays music is wide-spread: it is created on radio and music channel, for instance one of them is MTV,  but I seldom  watch it since I do not like pop. I more respect rock and old music; there is sense and meaning in it. Music for me is more than simply tune, I’d prefer songs with real content. It is possible to understand and value them.

Pozim, Sasha.



Wo sind Deutsche? Schreibt,bitte, bald. :rtfm:  :rtfm:



Essay on topic: 'The music of XXI century".
The word “music” in translation from Greek "musike" in literal sense is translated as the art of muses. In different times existed different music. For example, the XVIII the century - is the century of the classical music in Europe. The XXIst century - is  presented musical variety. For many years  music stays one of the main cultural values of humanity. So what is the meaning of the music of  the XXIst century?
Currently exists the multitude of sorts in music: pop, pank rock, rock, club music, dance and many others. It seems to me, that no matter what sort of music is, it  exists for relaxing and assuagements of human emotions and  feelings. But in some  cases music serves as a kind of "stemulation" for everybody. With the help of music can be conveyed what will not convey by words. In general we can say  that music is - "a giver" of the human attitude  to the world.
But from the other side in the world there is  nothing ideal things and the music is not exception. Agree that  not every body can withstand audition heavy and аcid rockal, it simply presses on auricle. And  destroy the felling also the  to old generation is difficult to accept, the choise of the  youth, that is why various conflicts are appeared.
Personally I, can listen different music, it depends on spirit, of exterior situation, places and time. But nevertheless I prefer rhythmic music - light rock,  for example, it carries pleasure, and slowly – reassure helps cause from profane fuss. To me it’s difficult to live a day without music.  I hope that I’m not along.
Remember: Music will "live" forever! So enjoy what  you have, catch moment and LIVE!!!   
What wouid you say about my topic? :O



A kakie zarubegniy gruppy ty predpochitaech?A mne ne nravitsy "Fabrica zvezd" i ih vypuskniki!  :pardon:



It seems to me music plays an important role in the life of society. It expresses man’s feelings, the condition of his soul. Music can be different. The famous Russian composer Chaikovsky devoted his music to nature. It was his muse. Russian nature attracted the composer by its simple beauty. All understand his tunes. Listen to it and you’ll hear the bird’s singing, blue sky. I’m sorry that such wonderful music does not interest young people. I think “Flower Waltz” is the hit of the 21st century.
Pozim, Zhenya



rronina3Pozim, Zhenya. Chaikovski-velikiy kompositor! no klassika eto musyka dla babuchek.

                                                 Bolgury, Artjom



To our partners from Kukui
As for me I don’t like “Chelsy” very much, I prefer Dima Koldun. He took part in Eurovision and in Star Factory too.

Pozim, Veronika



Music of 21st century will be cool. Classical music will disapeare. We think that people will listen only punk and rock groups. They wear coll clothes. As you know punks wear metal chains, have bright hair. And rockers wear leather jackets, army boots. may be their music is too agressive now. But we think it's no problem, because the world is changed and music is changed too. It will be more peacefull, but as energy as now.
                       Liza, Natasha, Nastya 10 form Kamskoe



Mir gefallt System of a Down, Papa Roach, Static - X, Sum41 zu horen. :help:



Der Musikhit des 21.Yarhunderts
Ich hore sehr gern Musik. Musik ist was fur mich, denn ich beendete und auch moderne Musikrichtungen gern. Ich mochte ein Rockkonzert besuchen, obwohl diese Musik Larm macht. So meinen einige Menschen, besonders die Menschen im reifen Alter. Die moderne Yugend hort gern die neue Musikrichtung: R&B, das heisst Rap-und Blusmusik zusammen. Ich meine, diese Musik wird die Musik der Zukunft. Diese Musik schreiben die yuge Komponisten und machen sie selbst. Sie erzahlen im Texte von Erlebnissen, Traumen und Gedanken. Ich meine, derMusikhit des 21.Yarhunderts wird diese Musik. Diese Musik machen Byanka, Timoti, Flypside, Cascada, Nelli Furtado, Banderas und andere. Die Kunstler spielen im Herz von Publikum. Ein Kunstler allein ist nichts. Diese machen interactive Menschen, Musikgruppen. Sie schaffen mit ihrer Musik eine verzaubetr Atmosphere. Der Musikhit schaffen talentierte Sanger und Tanzer. Mit ihren Songs sturmen sie die Hitparaden und gewinnen goldene Platin – Schallplatten. In den Texten geht es um Gefuhle und Liebe. Keiner gleicht dem anderen. Die Songs sind mit Computer, Geraten zur elektronischen Erzeugung eingespielt. Dazu gibt es auch filigrane Gitarrensoli, zweistimmiger Gesang, sehnsuchtige Melodien. Die Kompositionen sind stilistisch vielsietig. Die Songs laufen in den Hitparaden des Musik- Fernsehsendungen MTV, erobern die Charts und Publikum. Sie werden mit notigen Effekten gespielt. Die Musiker komponieren, texten, spielen und singen ihre Musik selbst. Der Kontakt mit dem Publikum hat bei den Musikern oberste Prioritet.
                                        Suchanowa Ekaterina, 11 Klasse, Pervomeiskaya Schule.



I like Benny Bennasy, Timbaland, Pakito, Nelly Furtado, 50 cent, Xzibit, Snoop Dogg…
And what about you?




I think that music in our life is everithig. We listen music everywhere. But for me modern music destroy our life. This music destroy minds of children. And parents should be more carefully.



WHO like the classic music?



Bolgury . My toze lubim " Tokio Hotel". Esho nam nraviatsia Green Day, Black Eyed Peas, Linkin Park, Evanescence.     
                               Liza, Natasha(Mol), Nastya



I'm a fan of radio "Energy". Do you listen to it?



rronina3Pozim, Veronika 

                                                                                    Katy!!!!!!! :P



Musik in meinem Leben.
Die Musik spielt eine sehr grosse Rolle in unserem Leben. Man hort sie uberall: morgens im Radio, auf der Strasse kann man Strassenmusikanten treffen. Die Musik ist ein schones Mittel, um zufallig vorbeigehende Kunden ins Geschaft hineinzulocken. In Cafes, Bierstuben, Restaurans verbringen die Menschen die Zeit, indem sie sich unterhalten, tanzen und singen. In Diskos toben die Tanzerinnen und Tanzer zu Pop- und Rockmusik.
Die musik bereichert unser Leben sehr: amusiert, bringt Spass, bringt gute Laune, halt uns aufrecht, heilt und kann sogar in auswegslosen Situationen helfen. Es gaben sogar Falle, in denen die Musik den Menschen geholfen hat die extreme Schicksalsschlage zu uberstehen. Und geshalb ist es wichtig zu lernen die Musik zu verstehen.
Ohne Musik kann ich mir mein Leben nicht vorstellen. Ich hore gerne gute Musik. Beatles heisst die beliebsten Popgruppe aller Zeit. Die Musik dieser Gruppe horten noch meine Eltern. Die Popmusik ist sehr bekannt und popular. Ich meine, dass viele Menschen Popmusik gern horen. Die Erwachsene horen diese Musik auch gern, wiel sie leicht und melodisch, rytmisch ist. Heute gibt es sehr viele Musiker und Gruppen. Ich besuche immer Konzerte, wo diese Musik klingelt. Hort Popmusik, weil sie leicht ist.

Stchenin Egor 11 Klasse. Perewoznoe

Отредактировано per (2007-10-26 14:09:32)



Wir kennen uber die Gruppe Flaypside nichts. erzahle bitte! :friends:



I listen to classic when i need calmness. It is the real thing and never wiil DIE !!!

Pozim StAsOn



I dont agree with you. I listen Punk rock. Is very GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :big_boss:



novoy It is not true, because music in our life must be modern!



Katy, you are mad! Serdychka is rubbish!!!!!!!!!

:bad: Pozim Stason



perWelche Konzerte hast du besucht?Wen hast du gehoert?




per написал(а):

Es ist interessant, dass junge Leute sich fur klassische Musik, Rock-, Poppmusik interessieren. Aber meine beliebteste Gruppe ist Serebro. Schonste Musik, rytmische Text tont sehr impulsiv. Diese Gruppe ist emotional, ist das meine Meinung.


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